Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Battle Begins

So I went for my evening walk through the garden last Thursday and noticed that some of my Zipper Pea Plants had purple spots starting to appear on the leaves. I wasn't sure if this was normal so I emailed pictures to one of our local county extension agents to get his opinion. He quickly emailed me back with bad news: bacterial blight. He told me to apply a copper spray to keep the disease from spreading to my other vegetables. Saturday morning I went to the local feed store and picked up a bottle of copper fungacide and sprayed a coating on my peas, corn, tomatoes, eggplant, cucumber, scuppernongs, and watermelon plants. Hopefully I will win this battle but it will be a long, hot summer and I know there are many more surprises that mother nature is waiting to throw my way. If  you live in Mobile County, I highly recommend going to the county extension website whenever you have questions. You can email one of the agents and they are always more than happy to answer any questions you have. The website is:

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