Sunday, March 11, 2012

Spring Is In the Air

Hello! Hope you all are well. I figured it was time for an update. In my previous post I mentioned I was going to try my hand at growing my own vegetable plants. Well, I did and it worked! I planted squash, eggplant, cucumber and tomato seeds on January 22nd. In hindsight, I should have planted the squash and cucumber seeds about a month after the eggplant and tomatoes. They grew really fast, but luckily it appears our Winter has come to an abrupt end. Because of this, I was able to move the squash outside earlier than normal. I transplanted them into raised beds on Saturday, March 3rd and the eggplant and tomatoes on Saturday March 10th. I decided to plant these in my raised beds so they will be easy to cover just in case we get a surprise frost. It seems unlikely at this point, but stranger things have happened. Below are a few pictures of my light setup and the growing stages of the squash and eggplant.

The squash have been in the ground for a week now and they look great. Every plant is blooming. I've planted 9 squash, 9 eggplant, and 12 tomatoes outside so far. We've had quite a bit of rain lately and the garden is still to wet to for the second round of tilling. Once I can get the ground ready I'll plant the corn, cucumbers, pinkeye purple hull peas, watermelon, and cantaloupe seeds. This is the plan and hopefully the weather will cooperate. I'll try and post another update next month, when hopefully the peas and corn are coming up. Take care!