Hello all! Sorry it's been so long since I've updated. After my summer garden finally died from the oppressive heat, I had a break from the garden while waiting on Fall to arrive. About a month or so ago I planted Lima Beans and Turnip Greens for my fall crop. I built a trellis for the Lima Beans out of plastic lattice and metal t-post. It's held up well and I'm hoping the beans will be ready mid-November. The turnip greens have not fared so well. I planted three 25' rows of Turnip Greens, but the dogs decided to have play time in the garden a couple of days after I planted them and the seed was scattered everywhere. Needless to say, I was not a happy camper. My project this Winter will be to fence in the garden. I did have some Turnips come up but they are not in a nice, neat row like I prefer.
I drove down to the local feed store last Saturday and bought one Celeste Fig and two Meyer Lemon trees. Here is a list of the fruit trees I've planted over the last two years: 2 Fig, 2 Meyer Lemon, 1 Calamondin, 1 Satsuma, 2 Apple, 1 Plum, 1 Peach. I still would like to plant another Peach and Satsuma.
Last but not least, I've been making pickles. Lots and lots of pickles! Some friends went to the U-Pick farm in Lucedale last weekend and brought me back a case of Boston pickling cucumbers. I've made 13 quarts and 2 pints so far. I still have some cucumbers left so I should get another 5 quarts or so this weekend. Thank you Sean and Amber! Below are some pictures of my progress over the last few months: